Sunday, June 1st, was not a good food day for me. Why, I don't know. I went with my friend Peggy for a girls day in Napa. Nope, not doing any winetasting; we were on an expedition for fun, new quilt shops! Can you believe, we didn't find any!
Something similar to this is what we were looking for.
Our hopes were dashed. |
But we had lunch at a little cafe in St. Helena called Gillwoods Cafe. The food was just amazing! The girls (Peggy, daughter Rebecca and granddaughter Lilly) all had burgers. I had a beautiful salad with apples, walnuts, and grilled chicken breast set on top of romaine lettuce and coated with a lemon thyme vinaigrette. It was just fabulous! There is nothing I like better than when they bring me a salad and the lettuce is fresh, moist, crisp, crunchy and icy cold. Perfection...
Suddenly I could feel that it wasn't sitting right in my stomach. Two hours later I lost it.
:( I hate when that happens!
I was hoping it would pass, but it didn't. It continued on into Monday... I stayed on plan all day, but eventually decided that maybe a soda cracker would settle my stomach. No, that didn't work either. I gave up.
Another issue I've been having the past week or so is Charley horses in my feet and ankles! Doesn't bother me all day long, but at night... OMG... it is just awful! The only thing I've done differently is wear a different pair of shoes that have a firmer sole that doesn't flex side-to-side. I'm going back to my other shoes today and see if that helps.
Tuesday was voting day! After having a bad Monday night, it's hard to get motivated to pull myself together and go vote. But I did.
More adventures that day included meeting Tom and Susan and their friends at Happy Viking for a quick pint night. We then went across the street to Sopa Thai for a crab feed with friends! All of us girls belong to a group called Fluffing Tuesday Ta-Ta's. Occasionally when we get together we allow the boys to come along. This was one of those nights. Ta-Ta's include Charee, Kailia, Monica and me; Carole and Darlene could not join us.
:( Captain is always the token boy.
:) Another couple, Barbara and Bill, joined us also.
It was quite a spread! Started off with clam chowder (I had a bite), followed by crab, steamed veggies (both of which I ate) and rice (nope, didn't eat it!). Then dessert was cheesecake (I had a bite). Can you believe through all of that I actually stuck to my plan? I was very pleased with myself. Yes, for me that is sticking to my plan. An occasional bite of something does not derail me. Eating an entire serving can derail me.
Wednesday was spent helping my dad get his will and medical directive in order. Surprisingly it didn't take very long, but it was incredibly stressful for my mom. Now she needs to get her estate in order. I don't think it's going to be as easy for her as it was for dad.
Revisiting the Charley Horse issue! |
Remember those Charley Horses we talked about? Well, I went back to wearing my other shoes and, low and behold, they are not an issue! I have not had any the last two nights. I have been checking out some good walking shoes and I think I might have found some. One brand is Dansko clogs. Aren't these yummy?
The other brand is Klogs.
I can't make up my mind! I'm leaning towards Dansko because they have more styles. They are also pricier. Ugh... But I am really tired of wearing athletic shoes everywhere I go. They are not all that sexy, ya know! I'm also really tired of having Charley Horses! Hahaha!!!
And now...
Thursday started off with taking Mom to the orthopedic doctor. She needed to have her knee replacement checked. All is well. Not only that, the doctor wrote her a prescription so she can go to
Butchie's Pool, a local pool facility built "to enrich the quality of life and uplift the well-being of persons living with disabilities through high quality, warm-water exercise therapy." She is really thrilled to be able to start water therapy again.
I had to take her shopping after the doctor's visit. New shoes, Dr. Scholl's insoles, walking sticks (in lieu of her cane). It was a busy day.
So how did Wednesday and Thursday go for me? Just fine, thank you very much! The only deviation was Thursday when mom and dad wanted Jimboy's Tacos for lunch. When they do that I know I am eating 18 net carbs in the 2 corn tortillas. So it is all taken into my plan. Now I only have 3 more days to get thru, and I will have a 4 year old with me. Hum... That might be a challenge.
And then came the weekend... |
I had my little grandson Jalen all weekend. When he shared his cheetos and goldfish crackers with me, I knew I was in trouble!
Jalen, age 4; Evan, age 7; Erin, age 12! |
Friday started with taking all three of my grandkids to the carnival to visit family and friends. Their Uncle Rick was there with his carnival ride. I haven't seen him in a couple of years so it was good to catch up and introduce him to Captain. It was also good to catch up with the Johnston clan. It was a wonderful evening.
Saturday we went to a couple of family-friendly winetasting events. At Cante Ao Vino he got his own "wine" glass - filled with water. But he had to do "cheers" before he drank!
Sunday morning was a quick breakfast before returning him to Mommy and Daddy. I was exhausted! At my age I'm not cut out to have a 4 year old all the time! I slept like the dead Sunday night!
By the time I got home Sunday night I felt like I had lived thru The Lost Weekend! It was a (controlled) food binge. I never went overboard, but I ate what I wanted.
And now I am paying the price because of my wheat allergy. Itchy! Aghhh!!!
I did tell Captain that I wanted to lost 20 lbs in the next 2 months before we go to Cape Cod. That is the same amount in 2 months as I've lost in the past 4 months.
So starting Monday I will be back on track. He said he will support me in whatever I want to do. Gosh, I love him!
And there you have it - that was my week! Not sure how this coming week will be as I am going to Palm Springs for my niece's high school graduation. I will keep you posted.
Be well, stay strong, and love unconditionally!
…Lin… |