Over the past 10 months I have lost 70 lbs and I am looking sexy!

How did I do that? A modified Atkins diet and lots of walking. You know me, I love walking my little lake!

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year's is hopeless when it comes to sticking to my eating regime. After today I will refocus! I have also started an aerobics class which I go to on Thursdays and walk the lake the rest of the week. My new goal is to lose 30 more lbs, and then I think I will be good! The challenge will then be to maintain.
I have been to Hawaii twice this year...
...first in March for Jalen's 1st birthday and again in August. I have to take advantage of it while I can as Ryan will be stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri after October 2012.

Ironically I have family in Missouri that I have never met, and I've never even been there! So I am looking forward to a new vacation location.
Dating has not been very successful, online or otherwise. The one constant has been Rick...

...but he spends so much time in the bay area that I don't get to see him nearly as much as I would like. So we have settled into a comfortable friendship.
I had my 60th birthday this year. My kids threw me a surprise birthday party. I was truly surprised and had no idea! A big thanks to my kids Jon and Cheryl...

...and Megan and Ryan for putting it all together.

To my brother John, his wife Mary...

...and niece Emily for making the trip up to participate in the festivities.

To Rick for keeping the secret and being my escort.
And all of my friends who attended.

The best part of all? I did a bunch of cooking for my own party and didn't even know it! The jalapeno popper mac n cheese was a hit!
I think I'm going to retire this year. The countdown clock is running!

I've tentatively set May 1st as my retirement date. That will give me 18 years in PERS, it is my birthday quarter, and I will have made just enough money so it won't impact my social security. I have places that I want to go and people I want to meet. I have many friends, some that I have never met, who have invited me to their home. Kentucky (Linda), Ohio (Jarmila), Wisconsin (Ruthie), Louisiana (Jamie) and Italy (Amanda) are all on my "must visit" list! I would also love to visit Scotland (Mcleod of Lewis is my clan!), Wales and Australia someday!

My parents came for a visit the beginning of December. We had our picture taken with Santa - 4 generations! It was good to have them visit; they had not been here in a long time. (I will post the picture as soon as I can!) Eric is here for the holidays, as well! It has been good to have him home. Hopefully he will find a job here and move back up to Sacramento!

Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and it is now New Year's Eve. As I sit here thinking about this last year I realize just how blessed I have been to have so many wonderful people in my life, the love of my children and grandchildren, and lucky to still have my parents with me. I am looking forward to 2012 with great anticipation. And I have not forgotten about my passport! It is still on my "to do" list!
As I close I want you to know that I wish you nothing but love, joy and happiness in the upcoming year. May you all be as blessed as I have been.